Why Join Manassas Therapy Dogs?
Manassas Therapy Dogs provides connections between therapy dog teams and the greater Manassas community in need of therapy dog services. They also provide social opportunities and resources for dog handlers.
Manassas Therapy Dogs benefits and activities:
A facilities and programs guide available for members
Mentors for new members and community with experienced handlers to provide guidance
Dinner meeting with guest speaker/lecture (twice annually)
Social group events: parades, get togethers and team visits
“Stay Pawsitive” - A monthly newsletter started during COVID
Members are always welcome to attend monthly board of directors meetings and are encouraged to bring new ideas and opportunities to the group.
Members may conduct independent visits not associated with Manassas Therapy Dogs. ATD certified therapy dog teams are not required to join a local group such as Manassas Therapy Dogs to conduct visits.
How to Join
All of our members must be certified by Alliance of Therapy Dogs as a therapy dog team. Certification shows facilities that you and your dog have passed the necessary tests for therapy dog work and that you are willing to follow established guidelines during your official visits. In addition, ATD provides liability insurance for certified teams during official visits. ATD also has a separate insurance available for handlers that incorporate their therapy dog into their work responsibilities.
Manassas Therapy Dogs Membership
Any certified therapy dog team with Alliance of Therapy Dogs are invited to join.
To learn more and obtain a membership application contact Terry Erlichman, Membership Coordinator: 1eterry@comcast.net